Chicago Resume Writers • Chicago Professional Resume Writers • Chicago Resume Services
We know that getting into the workforce can be challenging, especially given the recent increase in unemployment rates. The job market is more competitive than ever, and we can give you the edge you need to come out on top.
Trisha has spent years in – and out of – the job market. After transitioning from being a court reporter for one of Chicago’s top law firms to a stay-at-home mom for her four children, Trisha developed a deep understanding of all the tasks that go along with caring for a family. From cook to accountant to teacher, Trisha knows that being a stay-at-home mom regularly puts your skills to the test (and she knows how to translate that experience into a stellar resume).
Trisha believes that all women should have the tools and confidence they need to be able to look for a job, interview for a job and get hired for a job. She founded HEResume in response to seeing her women friends frustrated by the traditional job hunt after years of “unemployment,” and has been helping women land the careers they deserve ever since.
Whether you’ve been a stay-at-home mom for years, are jumping back into the workforce after maternity leave or have never had a baby at all, Trisha will work with you to help you hone your job hunting skills and properly position yourself in today's tough economy.